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Medieval Paintings and Sculptures Private Collection
van der Velden Teurlings




Welcome to the beautiful Art Collection of van der Velden -Teurlings.

Hans van der Velden and Netty Teurlings were passionate collectors of Dutch and Flemish Masters and Medieval sculptures. The paintings provide a wonderful insight into everyday life, depict portraits of influential individuals, and bring landscapes of the period to life. With vivid colors and minutely worked out compositions they give us a glimpse into the cultural and social context of the past. The paintings are all from Dutch or Flemish Masters and are nearly all signed and/or dated. The medieval sculptures, with their detailed expression and artistic design, take us back to an era of religious experience and spirituality. The sculptures are made of both wood and stone. Some sculptures are polychromed. The sculptures are from the Netherlands, France and Germany. Enjoy this beautiful collection, currently being displayed in Museum M in Leuven, Belgium!

Medieval Sculptures

The Collection van der Velden - Teurlings: Aesthetical with intense meaning and historical value.

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Paintings from Dutch and Flemish Masters

The Collection van der Velden - Teurlings: Aesthetical with intense meaning and historical value.